Complaints Policy
Policy Overview
The complaints policy and procedure is designed to assist students who have perception of
unfair and/or unlawful treatment.
A student is defined as any person enrolled for full or part-time courses with the Institution.
Please note that it is generally beneficial to the student to discuss the problem with institution
personnel prior to filing a formal complaint.
KINGSGATE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE personnel are available to advise students.
Students should not hesitate to contact a faculty member, Head of the Department or any
other member of staff, if they require assistance in the application of this policy.
Objectives of complaints system
This complaints procedure is based on the principles of fairness and thoroughness.
It is intended to be:
- Simple and easy to understand;
- Well publicised and easy to access;
- Prompt and effective.
It will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.
Response to a complaint
The KINGSGATE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE will respond to any dissatisfaction with
its services fairly and promptly:
- Prompt and effective.
- An initial response will be provided within 10 working days;
- A further more detailed response will be made if appropriate;
- You may be offered a meeting with the parties involved if appropriate;
- You may appeal to the Principal if you are dissatisfied with the outcome.
Information on how to take the complaint further will be provided if you are not satisfied
Complaints PolicyAnyone not satisfied with the level of service provided by KINGSGATE INTERNATIONAL
COLLEGE should feel able to approach relevant staff to address their concern promptly and
Every attempt should be made to resolve complaints informally through a dialogue with those
immediately concerned.
The role of staff members
All staff members have a responsibility for:
- You may appeal to the Principal if you are dissatisfied with the outcome.
- Receiving complaints;
- Treating them seriously;
- Dealing with them promptly and courteously;
- In accordance with the procedure set out below.
The role of members of the Management Team and Administrator
All members of the management team have a responsibility for resolving a complaint where
possible and leading or contributing to an investigation into a complaint when this is
considered appropriate.
The role of the Head of Academic Administration
Head of Academic Administration is responsible for resolving complaints which have
reached the appeals stage, and may nominate an Administrator who has not been involved in
the complaint to investigate.
Procedures for implementing the Complaints Policy
Stage 1
Concern or dissatisfaction should be raised in the first instance with the person or area
concerned as soon as possible and not later than within six weeks of the incident. This may be
a student’s tutor or other member of staff. The member of staff dealing with the complaint
should make every reasonable effort to resolve the complaint promptly at his/her level.
If a complaint is about a member of staff it should be referred to their Head of the
Department. Verbal complaints to Reception and staff in public areas should be referred to
the Head of the Department based on the subject of the complaint.If the member of staff is unable to resolve the issue, the complaint moves to stage 2.
Stage 2
If the member of staff cannot resolve the issue they should refer it to Management Team
Leader, Head of the Department or Head of Academic Administration for investigation.
Other staff members including Administrators may become involved in resolving the
complaint if necessary.
If appropriate, a meeting will be offered between the complainant and other parties involved
to arrive at an agreed resolution.
The member of staff dealing with the complaint will investigate and decide to:
- In accordance with the procedure set out below.
- Dismiss the complaint as unfounded, giving reasons.
- Propose an amicable settlement.
- Uphold or partially uphold the complaint
- Offer an apology;
- Take appropriate steps to address the issue;
- And take action to avoid a similar problem arising in the future.
All complaints should be dealt with as quickly as possible. As far as possible an initial
response will be given within 10 working days and a further more detailed response provided
where appropriate.
If a complainant is dissatisfied with the response to their complaint they may appeal in
writing to the Head of Academic Administration.
The Head of Academic Administration’s nominated representative will investigate the
complaint and will decide to:
- And take action to avoid a similar problem arising in the future.
- Dismiss the appeal against the result of the complaint as being unfounded;
- Refer the complaint back to an area and propose an amicable settlement;
- Uphold or partially uphold the appeal against the result of the complaint
- Offer an apology
- Recommend appropriate steps are taken to address the issue
- And take action to avoid a similar problem arising in future.
The decision of the Head of Academic Administration is final and the complainant will be
advised in writing of the outcome within 5 working days of the KINGSGATE
INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE receiving the appeal.
- And take action to avoid a similar problem arising in future.